вторник, 8 июля 2014 г.

download Unabridged Spanish Dictionary for free

Unabridged Spanish Dictionary

Books & Reference

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1.9 million translations & 2.6 million synonyms - Biggest collection of terms in the market!

WORKS OFFLINE – It includes all our specialized terminology (Legal, Medical, etc.) and natural-sounding voices in a variety of bilingual accents. Featuring a detailed Verb Conjugator, translations with definitions, examples, and quotes; results are easy to review while you navigate in-depth information for each entry.

It detects misspelled words regardless of the input language, making it ideal for students but perfect for professionals who can create a truly personalized dictionary by customizing displayed results. Internet connection needed only for voices, images and spell-check.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the database is downloaded via wifi connection the first time you load the app. It has a size of around 530MB and will be installed in your device's internal memory or SD Card if available.

Unique Features:

• Conjugation of Spanish and English verbs, all persons & tenses.

• Enabled Search for plurals, feminine forms and verb conjugations.

• Natural-sounding voices for entries, definitions and examples in both languages (British and American English, European and American Spanish)

• Covers International, European, Latin American and Mexican Spanish. Covers American and British English.

• Intelligent Word List Display: identifies multiple forms of plural and feminine as well as Spanish verb conjugations, with, without or even with misplaced accent.

• Words which are spelled identically in both languages are displayed twice in the List, marked with a flag at the side.

• Fuzzy Search: Detects misspelled words simultaneously in English and Spanish, offering close suggestions.

• Innovative “Scan Function” for conceptual search of idioms and related phrases.

• Over 40,000 Phrasal Examples cross-linked to more than 200,000 phrases & their translations

• Search History.

• Mark Favorite Words easily.

Dictionary Display:

- Translations, Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms, Pictures, Examples and Quotes

- Clear-cut separation of meanings, identified with WM’s “Descriptive Tags”

- Part of Speech and other grammar attributes: Noun, Verb, Adj, etc.

- Noun type classification: Concrete, Abstract, Animate, Animal, etc. *

- Color Code icon indicates word usage: Easy, Normal, Difficult or Technical

- Field Classification indicates area of usage: Zoology, Chemistry, Domestic, etc. - Idiomatic Use tags: Idiomatic, Slang, Figurative, Formal, Inf., etc.

- Colloquial words indicated with flag icon of each country

- On/Off display of slang, foreign or offensive words. Default OFF.

- More than 66,000 color pictures help identify word meanings and context.

Some Dictionary Curiosities:

- 1,332 fish names & their translations

- 1,917 names of foods and dishes around the world & translations

- 8,248 names of famous historic characters

- 13,100 famous people of today in arts, movies, sports, politics, etc

- 10,672 geographical names, cites, countries, nationalities, etc.

- 4,255 names of largest corporations in the US and Europe

- 3,322 names of largest universities in the US and Europe

- 20,189 names of illnesses, with corresponding translations

- 2,128 different types of viruses & translations

- 7,180 names of human body parts, & translations

- 550,000 classified entries in total.

- 24,000 + bird names in English, Spanish and Latin.

- 4,500 + new difficult words

Voices powered by iSpeech.

Download .apk

The Justice League of America film in the works already received endless advertising, including what they test actors for roles. It is run by Happy Feet director George Miller and will have a combination of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern and the Martian Manhunter Unabridged Spanish Dictionary apk free download . The other important thing to note is that the actors have tested between the ages of between the ages 20 to 30, which means that it is probably this feature younger versions of superheroes. Called the called the Teen Titans movie Justice League instead of. It is certainly clear that an Avengers movie is in the works, and it is also clear that there is likely to include Iron Man Captain America and Thor at least -. Quesada also himself says, mentioning his dream roster: 'It would be Captain America, Thor and Iron Man may have anyone outside of it, but if you had these three characters, you Avengers movie Avengers movie, these three characters. Are a type of the Holy Trinity here at Marvel. 'And it is no accident that the three big films are already deep into development under the newly formed production company Marvel Iron Man, Captain America and Thor? SIE Wissen, am Ende Werden Verdrahtung wahrscheinlich Eine sehr episch Marine - Film Wie Fluch Brothers Jon and Erich Hoeber will to write the script. The game will apparently be turned into an epic naval action adventure movie. Now I can play this word correct - Peter Berg has 'sunk'to a new low today.

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